We are...

Business solutions by foobar

The foobar GmbH was founded 01.01.2000 by the 3 graduates Carsten Dinkelmann, Sven Schindler und Marko Martinetz. They had the vision to develop open source software and solutions based on this to provide new jobs.

The name "foobar" comes from the environment, the company focuses on. This environment was and still is Unix, especially the Linux world. There we continuously extended our activities from kernel development to the applicatioon level and the configuration of existing solutions.

foo and bar
The names foo and bar are gladly used by programmers to explain common program flows, to name unspecific values and functions and to provide a base for discussion, as long as an algorithm is not completed or function and variable names do not arise from their intention yet.
New project with embedded Linux
This new project includes the development of a integrated speech communication system for ships. We ...
PCIExpress driver development and optimization
We continue our work with Dolphin and develop together new drivers and libraries for PCIExpress ...
foobar in the field
Despite of the global economic crisis most members of our team are engaged in customer projects all ...
Copyright © 2000-2009 foobar GmbH Chemnitz | Imprint